Chemical Manufacturing Innovation & Industrial Marketing Today

The chemical industry has evolved and has seen today innovative methods in chemical technology. The product portfolios are restructured and are raring to go! The chemical manufacturing companies have successfully exploited the digital technology and are rewriting business models thereby generating higher returns on their investments with the help of innovation.

chemical manufacturing

There was a huge financial crisis in 2008 and the result was stalling of globalization. As the Products turned into commodities chemical companies expanded through acquisition. Chemical manufacturing companies did not have huge funds for R & D so they suffered. The PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride was invented in 1913., Polyethylene in 1936 and polypropylene in 1954. The specialty chemicals which are highly profitable including additives, pigments, and polycarbonates have become best selling commodities and the market has become very competitive. Innovations in the material world have taken an about-turn! The nanoscale revolution, the remarkable discoveries of two-dimensional. Single-atom materials such as Graphene from carbon and Silicone from Silicon has resulted in new materials which are lighter, stronger and more malleable and are more temperature resistant than any chemical products in history.

Applications of Chemical

Chemical manufacturers have potential applications in technology, Healthcare, Consumer Goods, manufacturing and environment, but still struggling to make great profits. Chemical suppliers are vouching for new gains. The chemical manufacturing companies are conducting most of the R& D on new materials and trying to get revenues from new products. Thus, they are drawing the contours of a new chemicals industry.

A new quest for portfolio Coherence

Chemical manufacturing companies have been particularly vocal in the chemical industry since the past decade and the trend continues. They see the value that is trapped in incoherent and overtly ambitious portfolios and believe that breaking theses chemical manufacturers will allow the new entities that emerge to offer more focused value propositions. This idea has started making an impact. Now the picture is very clear. Most of the chemical manufacturing companies are into “Big Bang” restructuring deals in various chemical manufacturers and various chemical sectors including crop protection, Industrial gases and coatings. When this quest for portfolio coherence is complete, the chemical manufacturing companies will be populated by more targeted companies each of which can more fully dedicate its resources to enhancing its individual market narrative. As innovation resumes, these newly structured chemical manufacturing companies can better harvest organic growth opportunities and need not rely on M & A.

The emergence of Digital Technologies:

Some chemical manufacturing companies have intelligently adopted digital technologies which help them to become true materials and solutions provider to their customers. The chemical manufacturers are installing sensors at customer sites to track how their products perform in their customers’ operations. The sensors allow the chemical suppliers to continually improve their products and will give them a direct relationship with their customers’ end businesses. The chemical manufacturers products will now be embedded in the innovation and operations functions at Automobile, Aerospace, Technology, Hardware, Consumer Goods and Healthcare equipment companies where they will gather data that leads to insights, culminating in stickier relationships and more sales to chemical suppliers and other customers. The chemical manufacturers have intelligently used Digital technology and it has helped them make huge inroads in business garnering. The chemical manufacturing companies have set up huge investments for digital technology and are harvesting bigger gains in terms of Return on investments. The chemical suppliers who were in doldrums the past decade are now minting money as the chemical manufacturers are into huge profit making in their chemical businesses.


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